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All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site. Please use the RocketLauncher to install an equivalent of the demo, all images will be replaced with sample images.

Gemini is the integration of modern design and a next-generation framework in one seamless experience.
Build a beautiful website in minutes with Gemini.


Quickly customize with Gantry 5.


Bringing Innovation Forward

RocketTheme has built a professional theme that is perfect for a wide range of websites including: design firms, architects, data science, finance, & more.
Available Now

Working with Gantry 5

Digital Age. New Age.
Gantry 5 is a next-generation framework built with the latest in web technologies. Equipped with human-readable Twig and YAML files, and workable with a drag-and-drop interface, it truly is a next-generation framework.
Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news on our work.
Innovation. Is Key.
Gemini highlights your content by eliminating distracting elements and focusing on what matters most.
RocketLauncher. Get going, quickly.
The Gemini RocketLauncher makes it easy to get started with your next website.
  • Perfect for A Variety of Users +
    January 1st, 2017
  • Pre-designed Pages and Styles +
    January 1st, 2017